Family relationships can be complicated as we are all individuals with different thoughts, feelings and opinions.  This can sometimes cause tension or friction amongst family members, which can’t always be resolved within the family unit.

Circumstances and events can also have an impact on family life, this could be anything from illness, bereavement, financial circumstances or mental health issues.  All of these things and more can make living under one roof feel intolerable.  Family therapy can involve any or all family members who are struggling to deal with their problems and help them to resolve any conflict.

Types of Family Therapy

There are several types of therapy that can be used during family therapy sessions, this will depend on both your therapist and your circumstances and will be tailored to meet your specific needs. This can include:

·      Couples Counselling – helping couples to not only recognise their problems but to work on resolving them

·      Family Systems Therapy – which focuses on helping family members use the strength of their relationships to help them understand and cope with mental health problems within the family

·      Functional Family Therapy – this form of therapy is particularly helpful for families that have children with behavioural problems

·      Narrative Family Therapy – encourages individuals to tell their story so that they can see how their experiences make them who they are. This then helps them to see their problems more objectively as well as how other people view them

·      Psychoeducation – helps families to better understand mental health conditions affecting family members, so that are better equipped to provide a support system for them

·      Strategic Family Therapy – like functional family therapy can help families with children with behavioural issues by introducing positive behavioural changes

·      Structural Family Therapy – looks at the structure of the family and it’s hierarchy focusing on interaction between members and how to make positive changes 

·      Supportive Family Therapy – focuses on providing a safe environment where members feel they can share their feelings and be supported by their family

·      Systematic Family Therapy – considers individuals and the different roles in which they live within the family, which can be more than just one

What Can Family Therapy Help With?

Family therapy can help with a range of different challenges and issues that can affect family members; some of these can include:

·      The death of a family member or loved one

·      Behavioural problems with children or teenagers

·      Mental health conditions like eating, personality or anxiety disorders

·      Communication problems within the family

·      Marital problems like infidelity, separation or divorce

·      Conflict between family members

·      Trauma either physical or emotional

·      Significant lifestyle changes, like losing a job or moving home

·      Serious or chronic physical health problems affecting a family member

·      Substance abuse within the family

·      Situations causing members anxiety, stress or depression

How Does Family Therapy Work?

Family therapy is designed to encourage family members to feel that they can express themselves in a safe environment, without judgement or conflict.  It teaches them how to recognise problems, change negative behaviours and improve communication skills in order to resolve them.  Written by Jan, Jeana and Wendy at Barnsley Hypnosis and Counselling (UK). For more free Information click above link.