3. Try to move more

Moving and physical activity is one of the things that must be done when you have a goal to burn fat in the body and reduce waist circumference.

University of Missouri researchers found that lazy to move for 4 hours or more, can cause close closure of enzymes that control fat and cholesterol metabolism. To keep this enzyme active and increase fat burning, try to move, walk, and move your body to its full potential everyday.

4. Try drinking caffeinated drinks

Caffeine is a stimulant, and stimulants tend to increase the calories and fat you want to burn. Instantly, caffeine can make you energized, even if it’s equal. However, this can also be a good way to make the body move more. Caffeine can also cause metabolic changes in the body so that it can result in more calories and residual fat burning.

However, caffeine is not necessarily safe for everyone. The dosage must not be excessive. Therefore, first consult with your doctor or trainer before drinking caffeine to burn calories.