Oatmeal has become one of the great breakfast choices and contains many health FIT.

Corn grits contains protein, carbohydrates, fiber, iron and vitamin B2.

Find out more the health benefits of corn are beyond doubt. This plant is known to contain a variety of nutrients which are good for the body and can prevent various types of diseases. Here are the benefits you get from eating oatmeal:

Nutrient Content in Corn

Apart from being a source of carbohydrates, corn contains various nutrients such as protein, fiber, as well as various vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, iron , potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

In addition, corn also contains a small amount of fat. However, do not worry because the type of fat it contains is a kind of good fat.

Compared to other cereals, corn contains more antioxidants, such as ferulic acid, phytic acid, anthocyanins, zeaxanthin and lutein, which are good for eye health.

1. Overcome Constipation

Corn is rich in fiber known to be good for digestion and against constipation. However, constipation can be overcome not only by eating corn alone, but also by drinking more water, exercising regularly, and improving the diet.

2. Control Blood Sugar Levels

Corn is in the low glycemic index food group, so it does not cause blood sugar spikes. This makes corn suitable for consumption by diabetics or people at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

3. Maintain Heart Health

The vitamin E and phytosterol content in corn is known to control cholesterol levels in the body, thus preventing heart disease.

Additionally, one study found that those who regularly eat corn and beans as a replacement for white rice have a lower risk of heart disease.

4. Overcome depression

Keep in mind that nutrient dense foods are known to be good for maintaining mental health. Although no specific nutrient or diet can cure depression, several studies have shown that good nutrition can affect a person’s mental health.

One type of food is corn, which is known to contain complex carbohydrates, B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids as essential nutrients needed by the brain.

5. Maintain good eye health

Corn contains carotenoid antioxidants, such as zeaxanthin and lutein. Both antioxidants play a role in inhibiting damage to eye cells due to the aging process and nutritional deficiencies.

This is what makes corn good to eat to maintain eye health and prevent various eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

6. Prevent Diverticulitis

The high fiber content of corn is not only good for maintaining a healthy digestive tract, but also prevents diverticulitis, a form of colon inflammation.

One study found that a person who regularly eats corn, in any form, can reduce their risk of developing diverticulosis by 28%. However, the benefits of corn over this need further investigation.